Ebryan Law


Ebryan Law covers all lands under the Queen‘s Favor, including but not limited to Eastbourne Village. If a land is claimed by a Physical Guild and they choose to enact their own Law, defined under a separate law, it will make that particular claim radius exempt from the Ebryan Law. If it is not otherwise indicated all actions done while within the radius of a Guild Claim are subject to the Ebryan Laws.


Uncouth advances, drunken rants, or otherwise annoying behavior that just doesn’t stop.

    • Court Required: Optional
    • Consequence: 15 Silver Coins, Public flogging.


Any attempts to overthrow or collaborate with a force of 3 or more to hinder, intend harm, or otherwise slander the standing sovereign and their court will be considered treason.

    • Court: Required
    • Consequence: 30 Gold Fine, Loss of Title and Position


Any item within the boundaries of land ownership (personal claim), within a personal chest, or on one’s person is considered personal property. Property within these regions should be locked up and kept safe, though taking advantage of lack of security and taking items not belonging to you will be considered theft.

    • Court: Optional
    • Consequence: Return of stolen items or comparable with 10% tax to the Ebryan court.

Non-Lethal Assault

Any bludgeoning attack by fist, training weapon, or otherwise non-lethal damage that would cause knock-out rather than “death” by in game mechanics is considered a Non-Lethal Assault. Non-Lethal Assault is considered illegal outside of a proclaimed, and accepted, challenge.

    • Court: Optional
    • Consequence: 25-50 Silver Coins and up to 12 Days Imprisonment (3 RL Days)

Lethal Assault

Any piercing/slashing attack of any weapon or tool causing lethal damage is considered lethal assault. Bludgeoning to a point to cause lethal impact (toon death) is also considered lethal assault.

    • Court: Required
    • Consequence: 5-25 Gold Coin Fine and up to 56 Days of imprisonment (14 RL Days)


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